It's a busy Monday, so yesterday's fishing report comes to you mostly in the form of pictures - the kind that reveal a lot more about the experience than they do the flies or gear used.
The facts? No Blue Winged Olive were seen, and out of desperation, Wayne and I threw - and got a half-dozen grabs - on the big October Caddis dry. We didn't land any of them, but loved just getting bit - not an easy thing to see when the snow flurries rolled through:
Temperatures were below freezing, but it's always easier to fish in snow than rain.
At times the snow came down hard enough that it made a frying noise in the trees.
That's me & Wayne before we left - we look disappointed, eh?
This shot from the bridge in South Dunsmuir (which was damned slippery).
Wayne shot a few of me, looking stylish as always, this time in a Patagonia soft shell, which we'll talk about (Wayne Eng photo)
The October Caddis Dry produced swirls (if not trout).
The river is dark, cold and other-wordly beautiful.Fishing in a heavy snow is an odd experience; the snow passes through the air and disappears into the water like it never existed, as if moving from one dimension to another.
See you in winter, Tom Chandler.
fly fishing, fishing, fishing report, upper sac, upper sacramento river