Yobi Adventures, a new, online, community-based, fly fishing expedition and booking outfit, contacted me about buying the Trout Underground. Because M1 and M2 always need a new pair of shoes (and skis, and soccer balls, and baseball gloves, and fishing gear, and chess sets, and books, and bicycles, and... you get the picture), I listened to the nice man on the other end of the phone. Turns out he had a lot to say.
Unlike the handful of others who have come calling, Yobi Adventures isn't simply after the Trout Underground's Google Juice and readership. Instead, they want to add the Underground to their online community. And it gets even more interesting; they're interested in raising the Underground from the dead (
The Zombie Underground?!) to tweak those who would happily pollute our waters or lock us out of our public lands. In simple terms, they'd like me to write a few enviro/access stories. (Hmmmmm, enviro stories...) Maybe even the odd fly fishing post. Astonishingly -- and unlike the handful of online companies who have lusted after the Underground's sizable archives, committed readership and considerable Google Juice -- they're underlining all their talk with an offer I'm not sure I can refuse. Things, it seem, may be about to change around here.