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River Exchange offering 3 days fishing on the Upper Sac

By Tom Chandler 6/1/2006

That zany crew at the Upper Sacramento River Exchange are offering a special fundraising fishing package; three days for six anglers at California Trout's private Upper Sac fishing camp, including two nights, all meals, fishing instruction (from the fulltime camp host) and even flies.

If you're not familiar with the CalTrout camp, it's a rustic camp with tent platforms and enclosed huts that's located seconds from a remote part of the river. The section of river it accesses is a long walk from other access points, so you're unlikely to see many other anglers. (I live up here, and hell, I'd love to fish that part of the river without the hike...)

Of course, you can always pile into a car and hit any part of the river. Though this is a fundraiser, the price is very reasonable – $2,000 for the whole gig, which I'm told is less than $112/angler per day. You can see their flyer (.pdf format) by clicking here. Or call them at 530-235-2012.

Get together five buddies and call The River Exchange to pick a date (October Caddis? Pink Alberts? Early winter BWOs??). But don't wait too long – they have one package available, and the first caller gets it. Good luck! And send the Underground some pictures from your weekend...

Today's Underground Entertainment

I'm in a hurry to get out and fish this afternoon, so the rest will be brief. Moldy Chum brings us news of trout on steroids, leading me to a vision of Barry Bonds-esque trout leaping out of the stream and beating the crap out of fly fishers when they make inferior drifts. You've been warned.

Also some good environmental news (for a change); the story of a group of Maine guides and small town folks who successfully beat off the specter of development, and protected their outdoor way of life. Good reading from a part of Maine I'll be heading to in September. A beautiful place.

The river calls, so I'm out of here! More when I'm back. See you on the river, Tom Chandler.


Tom Chandler

As the author of the decade leading fly fishing blog Trout Underground, Tom believes that fishing is not about measuring the experience but instead of about having fun. As a staunch environmentalist, he brings to the Yobi Community thought leadership on environmental and access issues facing us today.


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