Underground Entertainment

Monday morning Underground Entertainment

By Tom Chandler 7/24/2006

It's Monday, and I've written (and photographed) a lot of fly fishing blog the last couple days. This morning it's back to work at Underground World Headquarters, but before the nose hits the grindstone, we'll throw a little Underground Entertainment your way.

First, I'm deeply in like with the Fly Fishing in Yellowstone Park blog, which continues to impress for the sheer volume of information they put out. If I cared at all about making my readers more successful on the Upper Sac (I do, but I'm too much a slacker to do anything about it), I'd make the kind of effort the Yellowstone blog does. Since I don't, I'm hoping for a little absolution by association.

Through the Yellowstone blog I stumbled across a very cool blog called Ranger Gord's Campfire stories, which should prove interesting to anyone who wanted to be a forest ranger as a kid. He doesn't hide behind that cute Woodsy Owl crap, but dives into the muck, like dealing with assholes and other job hazards. Go. Visit. Enjoy.

From that wily bunch at GetOutdoors.com.... You already fish bamboo fly rods - here's your chance to wear bamboo clothing (wonder if a shirt will cost $1200?).

Finally, two brief entries in the Hideously Overwritten Outdoor Prose Category. First there's this wildly overwritten story in the Pilot which includes key warning phrases like "shimmering line" and "mesmerized by the sheer beauty of liquid motion as a fly fisherman teases the creek's surface." Ouch - my head already hurts.

The coup de grace is our old friend Hugh Koontz
(he of the "the car's heater blowing its hot dragon breath on me" fame). We haven't checked in our friend in a while, and... yup. He's still at it. "Sweat drips off my brow like wax on a drooping candle, and the water moves with the swiftness of molasses flowing uphill in February." Hugh's a pretty good writer when he's not waxing like an overwrought poet, so we'll check in later and see if he's thrown the metaphorical monkey off his back.

Finally, from the "A Bikini Top Runs Through It
" category (and our friends at Moldy Chum) comes this picture offered for sale on eBay. In all my hours on the water I have yet to stumble across a topless woman. Fly fishing today is just soooo tame...


Tom Chandler

As the author of the decade leading fly fishing blog Trout Underground, Tom believes that fishing is not about measuring the experience but instead of about having fun. As a staunch environmentalist, he brings to the Yobi Community thought leadership on environmental and access issues facing us today.


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