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Wolverines! (or, Fly Fishing The Opener)

By Tom Chandler 4/28/2013

Fly rod shadow, small stream "Wolverines!"

We drove, we dug, we got stuck, we dug more, we hiked, we fished.

Several brown trout were caught. Much celebrating was done. Report coming soon.


Tom Chandler

As the author of the decade leading fly fishing blog Trout Underground, Tom believes that fishing is not about measuring the experience but instead of about having fun. As a staunch environmentalist, he brings to the Yobi Community thought leadership on environmental and access issues facing us today.

Of course it was bland. But, you know... "Wolverines!"
duuude...I knew THAT...Aside from some great cameos by Ben Johnson and Harry Dean Stanton (well,there were some cute babes too) I find it pretty bland......and, yes, the remake is a true WTF moment...
C'mon man, it's a Red Dawn reference (the original, not the horrifyingly amusing remake).
....I think a 3wt would be a bit light for one of those....Try 3/8 aircraft cable tied to a Jeep use a stinky possum tied to a 8/0 hook. They aren't leader shy ,but you have to be patient....

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