Welcome to Zach Neville Outfitters. With over 10 years experience, we are one of Bozeman, Montana's premiere fly fishing guide services. We offer float and walk/wade fly fishing trips on southwest Montana's finest trout waters. Here in Bozeman we are centrally located among The Yellowstone, Madison, Gallatin, Missouri and Bighorn rivers. In addition to this, we have access to some of the best private water in the region. At Zach Neville Outfitters it is our mission to provide you with a fun, safe and educational day on the water regardless of your background or level of experience.
The Bighorn River is one of the best tail-water fisheries in the world. The Bighorn begins its journey in the Bighorn Mountains at the foot of Yellowtail Dam, flowing 70 miles across ... morethe plains to join the Yellowstone River. The first 13 miles below the dam provide some of the greatest concentrations of trout found in Montana. The Bighorn is a popular fishing destination. Our favorite time of year to experience this river is in the Spring. The river remains clear and fishable during these times of spring run-off and high water. This is also a good time of year to see fewer crowds, on what can be a busy river come summertime.
The Bighorn River is located approximately 200 miles southeast of Bozeman. Our trips to the Bighorn are a minimum of 3 days. Our Bighorn River Guide Rate is higher than our Standard Rate to provide for guide’s transportation and lodging.
Note: Minimum 3 days
The Yellowstone River is wild and scenic. With over 650 miles of untamed flows, the Yellowstone is the longest un-dammed river in the contiguous United States. From its origin inside ... moreYellowstone National Park, through Paradise Valley, the town of Livingston, Montana and beyond, the Yellowstone River offers approximately 200 miles of exceptional trout fishing. In addition, each stretch offers different scenery and unique fishing opportunities. Fishing four different stretches of the Yellowstone can feel much like fishing four different rivers entirely. Healthy, wild populations of Brown, Rainbow and Cutthroat trout keep beginners in the action and the avid fisherperson on their toes. Even though the Yellowstone is a well known river, it is not uncommon to spend a day on the water without seeing another boat. Mountain back drops and opportunities to view wildlife along the way, The Yellowstone offers an experience that few rivers can match.
The Upper Madison begins its journey in Yellowstone Park. Soon after leaving the park boundaries into Montana, Hebgen Dam creates the first of three reservoirs on the Madison River. ... moreA few miles downstream another reservoir was created in 1959 by an earthquake and resulting landslide. This body of water is known as, “Earthquake Lake”. From here the Upper Madison flows through the Madison Valley, past the town of Ennis and into Ennis Lake. The Lake being the, “divider” between the Upper and Lower river. Known as the, “50 mile riffle” the Upper Madison provides great structure and trout habitat wherever you look. Healthy populations of Brown and Rainbow trout, as well as, a huge variety of hatches and methods to fish them, make this river a favorite for many of our guests.
The Missouri River below Holter Dam offers fine Montana tail-water fishing. Nice sized trout in good numbers inhabit this section of the Missouri, which winds it’s way through broad ... morecanyon walls before leaving the mountains for the plains. Both Brown and Rainbow trout call the Missouri River home, and are willing to take a wide variety of fly patterns. Because it is a popular fishing destination, the Missouri can see crowded conditions. Those seeking solitude may find one of our other trips more suitable. This section of the Missouri River is located 2 hours from our home of Bozeman, Montana. Our trips to the Missouri are a minimum of 2 days. Our Missouri River Guide Rate is higher than our Standard Rate to provide for guide’s transportation and lodging.
Note: Minimum 2 days
The Lower Madison provides memorable Montana angling adventures. The river begins below Ennis Lake, flows through the majestic Beartrap Canyon and 35 miles downstream to the Headwaters ... moreof the Missouri River. Because it is dam-controlled, the Lower Madison can be reliable when stream flows are higher in the Spring, and in late Fall when water temperatures start to drop elsewhere. Although not as well known as its upstream neighbor, The Upper Madison, the Lower is an exceptional fishery that can produce trout in attractive numbers and size. The Lower Madison is mostly known as a Brown and Rainbow trout fishery, though some cutthroats do exist in the river. Prolific hatches and large numbers of crayfish and sculpins make for very well-fed fish in The Lower Madison.
On its way to the Missouri Headwaters, the Jefferson River passes through an assorted landscape. At the town of Twin Bridges, Montana the Ruby River, Beaverhead River and Big Hole ... moreRiver converge to form the Jefferson. In its early stages the river advances past hay fields, large stands of cottonwood and agricultural landscapes. As the river reaches the town of Cardwell, the Jefferson is then flanked by large canyon walls, home to Lewis and Clark Caverns. Downstream of the canyon the river again proceeds through farm and ranchland laced with cottonwood trees until joining the Madison and Gallatin rivers. Though fishing on the Jefferson can be less consistent than on some of our other rivers, it can certainly make up for it with some very special moments. When the Jefferson is good, it can be great!
The Gallatin River is one of the closest, in proximity to Bozeman, Montana. As it makes its course from Yellowstone National Park to the Headwaters of the Missouri River, the Gallatin ... moreRiver flows through a diverse topography. High mountain meadows near Yellowstone Park, robust pocket water through the Gallatin Canyon, and the wide open spaces of the Gallatin Valley offer three distinct environments in which to fish and explore this fine river. Since it is smaller than many of our other rivers, the Gallatin offers a good opportunity for fishing on foot. Consistent hatches of caddis, mayflies and stoneflies throughout the season make the Gallatin an easy choice on any day.
Sometimes it pays to test a knot until it breaks. This will show you first hand the real strength of your knot before you put it to use, and shows which of your knots are strongest, ... moreand what knots you need to work on.
Category: Fly Fishing for Beginners
Added Date: Thursday, 13 Jul, 2017
Fly Fishers International—formerly the International Federation of Fly Fishers (IFFF)—has announced a name change as part of an organization-wide rebranding effort. The rebranding ... moreincludes a new logo, website and supporting promotional materials.
Category: Fly Fishing, Fly Fishing Community
Added Date: Monday, 17 Apr, 2017
John Gierach’s new book, A Fly Rod of Your Own hit shelves on April 4th, 2017. It is available in print and kindle format, and is described as an “ode to those who fish.”
Category: Fly Fishing, Planning, Insider, Perfect Fishing Days, John Gierach
Added Date: Monday, 10 Apr, 2017
We'll get right to it. Why waste time on a beautiful Friday -- especially when more fly fishing might await me at the end of the day?
Category: Underground Entertainment
Added Date: Friday, 15 Jun, 2007
The Golden Years. You see, I received an e-mail from a loyal Undergrounder who's been scouring the Oregon/California/Nevada region for a place where he and his wife could live ... moreout their Golden Years before going the way of all flesh.
Category: Fly Fishing, Opinion
Added Date: Thursday, 8 Feb, 2007
I held my breath while doing it, but over the last two years I wore and reviewed two pair of sonic-welded seam fly fishing waders, and I'm happy to report I remain dry.
Category: fly fishing industry, fly fishing waders, redington sonic pro waders, Review
Added Date: Thursday, 23 Aug, 2012
In recent decades, Hardy was the manufacturer you turned to if you smoked a pipe and spoke like Rex Harrison, but it's interesting to note that they - and the formerly tweed-friendly ... moreOrvis - both now offer cutting-edge fly rod technology (they'd suggest "industry-leading" technology), which is proof, I suppose, that you write off the old guys at your own peril (I'm not drawing parallels to the Underground, though you kids should stay the hell off my lawn).
Category: 5wt fly rods, all-around fly rods, fly fishing stuff, fly rod shootout, fly rods, Opinion, Review, yellowstone angler
Added Date: Wednesday, 26 Jan, 2011
As someone who had his first bout with skin cancer at the age of 18, I'm uniquely qualified to write about the necessity of sun protection. Which largely begins with a hat. Over ... morethe years, I've mucked around with a lot of different warm-weather hats (including a brief flirtation with a French Foreign Legion desert hat that guaranteed a bare minimum of interaction with the opposite sex), and I've come to some surprising conclusions about the state of fly fishing headgear. Which is that it basically sucks.
Category: boonie hat, fly fishing stuff, fly fishing's ultimate hat, military boonie hat, outdoor wear
Added Date: Wednesday, 16 Jun, 2010