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page 3 out of 17
Ennis lake is starting to warm up and so have the fish. Fish have been starting about noon then it slows down late afternoon. Not a lot of bugs on top yet, but you can catch them on ... morenymphs. Recent warm weather has started a bit of runoff. Lake is still crystal clear. That doesn't mean some color is going to kill fishing. Sometimes they like a little color.
Here comes fishin season. The Mother's Day cadis hatch has popped on the lower Madison. More and more bugs every day. Fishing is best when the sun is off the water. Yesterday we fished ... morelate and that seemed to do the trick. We put on at warm springs about 4:00 in the afternoon. Hardly any bug activity until almost 6:30, but they finally did show up and the fish were looking up. We ended up with about a dozen fish by the time we got to the damsel fly takeout. We got out about 8:00 and it was still going off and there was still plenty of light. I wished we would have moved a little slower. As far as mid day is concerned the usual nymph streamer combinations. Seem to be the ticket. Bunny fur or rubber with a size 16 prince has been the best for me. Fishing during the day has been ok but the real show seems to be in the evening all the way to dark
The float section of the Madison starts at Lyons bridge and ends at the Ennis bridge. Fishing has been up and down all spring depending mostly on the weather. Get an overcast calm ... moreday with temps at least into the high 40s fishing seems to pretty good. Clear cold and windy, stay home and tie flies. The main show in the float section is still streamers stripped hard off the bank. Black seems to be the most productive for me. Fishing seems to start around noon peaking about 2:00 then dying of around 4:00 or 5:00. Warmest part of the day. Crowds aren't here yet it's nice and lonely out there
The spawning rainbow thing is going off between quake and hebgan. The rainbows are moving up out of quake lake and stacking up below hebgan dam, but it's no big secret. You will have ... morecompany. It seems to be a race to the first soft water below hebgan. It's a great hole full of fish but angler density is a little to high for me. Down closer to quake lake there are a couple of small channels on the other side of the river that are chalk full of rainbows, if your a strong enough wader to cross the main river. Due to high snow pack they have already started raising flows. As of yesterday it was up to 1400. Which is high for this time of year. Wading caution is called for.
As far as flies. Spaghetti and meat balls "San Juan worm and an egg ball". Have been the best. Although you can still find the bigger fish on a black biggest. Over all fishin is good just expect company.
Date: Thursday, 4 May, 2017
Early lowland run off in April caused the big hole to jump from around 450 cfs to just over 2000. This pre runoff really kickstarted the fish. The fish turned on as soon as it started ... moreto fall. it has now stablized around 1500 and fishing remains good on both dries and wets.
There are still a few squalla bugs around so a size 8 chubby chernoble has been a good one especially with a San Juan worm hanging hanging about 2 ft below it if there is a little cloud cover, you can expect a good hatch of march browns by about 1:00. If the march brown do show up look for risers. There are only 400 fish per mile on the Jeff as compared with over 2000 for the Madison. Look for the fish there not everywhere. If you can get a few clouds, streamer fishing stays pretty good all day but the big show is the march browns in the afternoon .
Date: Tuesday, 2 May, 2017
Due to wild-run rivers flooding over, the White River’s catchment dams are on the rise which means we should be prepared for higher discharges. Overall, things have been steady around ... more3000 cfs, but we could see higher levels with the lake continuing to rise above power pool. This may not be the best news for wade fishermen, but it’s good for float trips.
The caddis hatch is strong this season. Right before the last rain we had success with dries such as Elk Hair Caddis and CDC Caddis. We can expect continued success as long as the caddis hatch continues.
Date: Thursday, 27 Apr, 2017
Water flows from Palisades Dam have dropped this week (18,000 to 14,000 cfs) and even though the South Fork is still running slightly off color, the fishing has improved quite a bit. ... moreThe upper reach in Swan Valley and the upper Canyon from Conant to the confluence with Burns Creek have seen the best fishing. Targeting riffles, eddies, seams and banks with double nymphs has been effective. BWOs have also been making an appearing in large numbers, and using mayfly nymph imitations works well. But large stonefly imitations and mysis imitations are also just as effective if not better on some days.
Date: Tuesday, 25 Apr, 2017
We’ve had decent weather this week with temps in the 50s and warming into the 60s. Water temperatures have been reaching the upper 40s on the Lower Snake River below Moose Bridge. ... moreWe are also starting to see the first skwalas of the season, which makes it possible to fish with large attractors along banks, seams, inside turns of riffles, and the current margin of riffle pools. BWO imitations are also doing well most days in riffles and riffle pools along seams. The afternoon is the best time for these flies.
As far as nymphing goes, use either a double nymph rig or a dry/dropper rig. Large stonefly imitations and small mayfly and caddis imitations are working well. Aim for riffles, banks, bankside troughs, seams and confluence lines.
On good days, streamers are really effective, but overall the consistency is low. We’ve been finding success with intermediate sinking tips, 3ips and 6ips tips, and 5 to 7 feet of T-11. The best places for streamer action have been banks and structure, riffle and riffle pools, and seams. Moderate sized baitfish imitations and bigger, articulated streamers are effective.
Date: Monday, 24 Apr, 2017
High water flows right now. The Lower and Upper Canyons are flowing from bank to bank. The best fishing currently is out of the Farmlands or Upper Proper, which both offer access on ... morefoot in high water using islands and channels.
We are currently experiencing hatches of March Browns and Baetis, along with the Skwala hatch. Just around the corner we'll be seeing Salmonflies and American Grannom - Caddis.
Date: Monday, 24 Apr, 2017
Water levels are still high, but not enough to scare off anglers. While not necessarily ideal conditions, the fishing is still pretty good. The river is down 100 cfs to 400 (normally ... morearound this time of year it’s in the 90-150 range). A lot is coming from the Little Deschutes. Once the runoff winds down, fishing should be excellent.
We’ve had success on the river with Jigs and Micro Mayfly Nymphs. Also heard someone caught a decent sized brown with a sculpin over near Tumalo. High angler traffic in the Lower Bridge area due to reports of strong March Brown hatches along with Grey Caddis, Midges, and some Blue Winged Olives.
Date: Friday, 21 Apr, 2017